Ashok Leyland
For over six decades, we have been moving people and goods, touching you and millions across 50 countries worldwide.Today, we are the flagship of the Hinduja Group, one of the largest commercial vehicle manufacturers in India with a turnover of US $ 2.5 billion in 2010-11 having consistently delivered profits to our stake-holders since inception.
Our buses safely carry 70 million passengers to their destinations every day. Close to 700,000 of our vehicles keep the wheels of economies turning and, as the largest supplier of logistics vehicles to the Indian Army, we play a critical role in keeping our borders safe.
For our customers, we are committed to provide transport solutions that offer the best operating economics while for users of our vehicles, comfort and safety. This has driven us to pioneer concepts that have become industry norms fueled both by our robust inherent R&D capabilities and the strength of strategic alliances forged with global technology leaders.
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